Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Goronchev called out on suing my pants off

Recently, Goronchev himself, emailed my dad about certain things I did on the internet, that he has no prove off, or what I didn't do. Though he tries to the puppy dog eye treatment on my dad, and pretends to feel sorry for me. Dad didn't want to play his game, he replied back with a angry spam message, thus Dad pissed him off so bad, goronchev was intellectually checkmated.

Overall, the suing part never happened, we had a 2 day sundown style action against us. Because he fails so hard, he never gotten though to this. He is a cowardly loser who says words on the internet, but he can't comprehend the fact, that he lost. And he take his loss as a compliment. Never mess with someone's parent. He even says that I have a mental capacity of some sorts of a retard. Because saying retard is the right word? I'm sure you know, that he's willing to actually disprove kids of special needs, and has this attention span of a redneck, he thinks everything is dumb too him, and of course mimics them in some videos and stickam chats to try to be funny. When he is not.

Apparently, thinking he would of gotten rid of my blogspot, I just basically renewed much. I didn't care much about the stuff I lost though.

He can't hack for shit, so he uses other people to do it for him. Like trying to take down a "bodybuilding" site, which of course assists his own needs.

He got so much pwned these years of torment from anonymous, and "betrayed" by bigal2k6, when big al found out that he's just a loser with sexual fantasies.

Got some shirtless prick that tells him he has no friends. Well I got proof now, go search his facebook page, motherfucker.

You may not know this, but AfterTheseWessages sucking blows, and nothing is funny about them. They decide to ruin by bringing in goronchev, or that ae1wierdo chick, and put her in a bikini, so rapefest can begin. Of course, goronchev never joke about rape right? yes.

I got better fish to fry right now. Benos/MyDad 90000000 Goronchev 0 called out on his intellectual checkmates, that fail so hard, the chess board blew up in his face.

Give up your games, there's no where to run.