Friday, June 17, 2011

Goronchev's Clueless

He actually thinks what I do on the internet is personal to him, because what I did with Lesli and talked about with her, is spreading out his lies he told about his sexual experiences. He deserves all he can get with his little games he plays.

He never won against anoymous, bigal2k6, elam, or any others. Because we are still here on the internet, freedom of speech, bitch. The internet is American server.

What we say or do, may have some consequences. But it doesn't stop anyone from posting their life stories or drama that they put on.

I want to milk out his success so he can't bother anyone.

He wanted people to "boycott" youtube, by making less videos and comments. When they would be completely pointless.

Maybe I'll post that video later on in the day.

Another thing I want to mention about his squabbles with other online people like Bigal2k6.

I defended a lot, from goronchev's responses to him.

If goronchev as he said tries to sue me, I have at least backup support from bigal2k6, and others alike that he attack solely to stop them from discussing him and his behavior online.

His Intellectual Checkmate meme is a game to him, and he has a smug super ego that keeps him on track on that.

I didn't or have not been intellectual checkmated in that video he made of me. All it did was just not so personal internet websites, that didn't contain any personal data, like my address.

Seeing as he still kept track of me, in what I say and do. He could of just did the smart thing to ignore me completely, yes, he even did that with twitter, used to troll him, but I also use to just to post other stuff that isn't related to him.

He still actually cares to worry about youtube, and it's population of trolls.

Everyone moved on, and it was peaceful in the land the tubes. But drama doesn't stop there, there are other things that I have involved myself in, and even so I don't take any offense of anything seriously that people replied me, like the peter coffin drama, and his fake girlfriend routine.

It seemed he may of deserved at first, but it got old quickly. And it was just overused spam posts like "lol how's your girlfriend, oh wait you made it up" in every video comment that was never in the present, now.

If goronchev ever has the guts to stand down, and actually think for once about fighting against me, then he choose the standing down ultimatum and admit defeat.

Or just admit to continue on the ignore path, and not worry. But he's worried, I'll crack, when too many people post about me defending peter, or attack my videos just because I look like a caveman or werewolf, lol. Which I can take.

I made many videos that defended people, even gave my opinions, even so he actually said that in one of the emails he sent to my dad.

Goronchev thought he could get my dad to shut off my internet or pc for a very long time.

By now, I actually thought two or three years he forgot about all the drama he left behind on others, but to this day, he still hangs on to everything.

Just surrender, and actually be a decent guy like yourself, and I fully believe you are. But you take it to the next level. No tricks, , no drama, everything is fine.
I won't be deleting anything much from internet posting, but I will lessen any goronchev videos if may need. I may un-private the video that are goronchev related, and keep them as a remembrance, to what I did on youtube. You cannot control what people do, just let them go. Move on, let go, forgive, and forget.

And you still could be sued yourself, if you ever actually set foot on my yard, if you bothered to take a trip here to visit me.

Picking a fight with me in real life, only makes it even worse, and clearly you take the issues way too seriously. I don't care you properly got mad/ or pretended to act angry at my dad in a email he sent you in a reply. Overall, he's actually a intelligent being, he can have a dry sense of humor. But him laughing at your little game takes the cake. Don't fuck with dad, because bad things will happen to you. :)

Don't want to make a real enemy over you, that's the internet. Keep your friends away, keep your enemies closer, to keep a eye on you, even if you think that yourself. :)

My dad also kicked your e-thugging ass on email. Don't try that again. He brutally intellectually checkmated you.

Sincerely, Ben Alan Kelley. Don't let anything about me get to you, and everything will be okay. But playing this endless game with me won't work out.


  1. lol that goronchev got pwned.

  2. You gonna get sued yet? lol.

  3. Nope. the game, he just lost it again his new arch nemesis: my own dad.


Anyone can comment, this is not a Nazi ground. Spell incorrectly, who gives a shit.